Our guides

Get stronger
8 weeks, 5-6 workouts per week
Location: Gym
Focus: Building an x-shape physique, narrow waist, peachy glutes and a V-shaped back.
Level: Moderate
The program is built on high reps, challenging weight increases and a mix of super sets and giant sets. High intense cardio is included in the program.
8 weeks, 5-6 workouts per week
Location: Gym
Focus: Building an x-shape physique, narrow waist, peachy glutes and a V-shaped back.
Level: Moderate/advanced
This is a follow-up to the program FIRST EDITION. f you haven't followed the first version, we recommend that you start with that one, to keep up with what Anna will go through during this guide.
The program is built on a mix of high and low reps with some pyramid sets included to give you a real challenge. Cardio intervals are included in the program.
THICK & STRONG: 8 weeks, 6 workouts per week
THICK & STRONG 2.0: 8 weeks, 5-6 workouts per week
Location: Gym
Focus: Increase strength & build muscle volume
Level: Advanced
The programs are tough and focused on compound movements. Based on a mix between high and low reps. No cardio included.
FIT & STRONG series
FIT & STRONG: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
FIT & STRONG 2.0: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
FIT & STRONG HOME: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
FIT & STRONG HOME 2.0: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
FIT & STRONG QUICK: 8 weeks, 4 workouts per week
FIT & STRONG QUICK 2.0: 8 weeks, 4 workouts per week
FIT & STRONG QUICK HOME: 8 weeks, 4 workouts per week
FIT & STRONG QUICK HOME 2.0: 8 weeks, 4 workouts per week
FIT & STRONG BUSY: 8 weeks, 3 workouts per week.
FIT & STRONG BUSY 2.0: 8 weeks, 3 workouts per week.
FIT & STRONG BUSY HOME: 8 weeks, 3 workouts per week.
FIT & STRONG BUSY HOME 2.0: 8 weeks, 3 workouts per week.
Location: Gym & Home
Home requires bands and dumbbells (or dumbbell substitution)
Focus: Increase strength, build muscle and tighten up
Level: Moderate
FIT & STRONG is all about building strength, muscle volume and tightening your body at the same time. The program is based on a mix of high and low reps together with super sets, circles and PLYO workouts.
Cardio is included at the end of some workouts + the PLYO sessions.
24 sessions
Location: Gym
Focus: Full body workouts/ Build muscle
Level: Moderate
This is a program for you who want to increase strength and build more muscles while working out 1-3 times per week. The program is based on full body workouts. There's no planned rest days in this guide, add in days to make the guide suitable for your own personal schedule.
TOTAL TRANSFORMATION: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
TOTAL TRANSFORMATION 2.0: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
TOTAL TRANSFORMATION HOME: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
TOTAL TRANSFORMATION HOME 2.0: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
TOTAL TRANSFORMATION QUICK: 8 weeks, 4 workouts per week. Upper body/Lower body split.
Location: Gym & Home
Home requires bands and dumbbells (or dumbbell substitution)
Focus: Increase strength, build muscle and tighten up
Level: Moderate/advanced
Total transformation is all about building strength, muscle volume and tightening your body at the same time. The program is based on a mix of high and low reps together with super sets and circles.
Cardio is included at the end of some workouts.

Get fitter
FIT EDITION: 8 weeks, 5-6 workouts per week
FIT EDITION 2.0: 8 weeks, 5-6 workouts per week
FIT EDITION 3.0: 8 weeks, 5-6 workouts per week
FIT EDITION 4.0: 8 weeks, 5-6 workouts per week
FIT EDITION UPPER BODY: 8 weeks, 5-6 workouts per week
FIT EDITION HOME: 8 weeks, 5-6 workouts per week
FIT EDITION HOME 2.0: 8 weeks, 5-6 workouts per week
FIT EDITION QUICK: 8 weeks, 4 workouts per week. Upper body/Lower body split.
FIT EDITION ULTRA QUICK: 8 weeks, 3 full body sessions á 20 minutes per week
Location: Gym & Home
Home requires: dumbbells (or substitution)
Focus: Fat burn
Level: Moderate/Advanced
Fit edition is a guide with focus on tightening your body and maximizing fat burn. The guide is based on a mix between compound movements, circles and plyo exercises. Rest time will also be important during this guide in order to keep your workouts effective. High intense cardio intervals are included (not in the home guides or ultra quick guide).
8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
Location: Gym
Focus: Body recomposition
Level: Moderate
A program focused on shaping and toning your body at the same time. The workouts are effective and the rest will be timed in-between your sets. Low intense cardio included.
ATHLETIC & FIT: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
ATHLETIC & FIT 2.0: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
Location: Gym
Focus: Functional moves/High intensity
Level: Moderate/Advanced
This is a program with focus on becoming more athletic, enhancing body control and getting more fit at the same time. Primary goal will be on functional moves such as push ups, pull ups and burpees.
TOTAL TRANSFORMATION: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
TOTAL TRANSFORMATION 2.0: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
TOTAL TRANSFORMATION HOME: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
TOTAL TRANSFORMATION HOME 2.0: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
TOTAL TRANSFORMATION QUICK: 8 weeks, 4 workouts per week. Upper body/Lower body split.
Location: Gym & Home
Home requires bands and dumbbells (or dumbbell substitution)
Focus: Increase strength, build muscle and tighten up
Level: Moderate/advanced
Total transformation is all about building strength, muscle volume and tightening your body at the same time. The program is based on a mix of high and low reps together with super sets and circles.
Cardio is included at the end of some workouts.
24 sessions
Location: Gym
Focus: Full body workouts/Tone
Level: Moderate
This is a program for you who want to shape and tone your body while working out 2-3 times per week. Guide is based on 24 sessions, ad rest days as you'd like to make it suit you.
FLEX series
Let's Flex: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
WOD n' Flex: 8 weeks, 5-6 workouts per week
Location: Gym
Focus: Build muscle & get leaner
Level: Moderate/Advanced
A series of challenging guides created by Amanda Dresh. The guide is created with the intention of building muscles and burn fat. The sessions focus on progressive overload, where you will be encouraged to do more reps, lift heavier, and recover faster. The repetitions have a specific tempo to challenge you optimally during the sessions!
Fit Fusion
FIT FUSION: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
Location: Gym
Focus: Build muscle, increase strength, and improve fitness
Level: Moderate/Advanced
Fit Fusion is created by Johanna Wisten and is a training program aimed at building leg strength, improving fitness, and enhancing core control.
Despite the guides various objectives, the workouts are designed to maximize efficiency through circuit and superset exercises, where you engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously, and there's limited rest time for all exercises!
FIT & STRONG series
FIT & STRONG: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
FIT & STRONG 2.0: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
FIT & STRONG HOME: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
FIT & STRONG HOME 2.0: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
FIT & STRONG QUICK: 8 weeks, 4 workouts per week
FIT & STRONG QUICK 2.0: 8 weeks, 4 workouts per week
FIT & STRONG QUICK HOME: 8 weeks, 4 workouts per week
FIT & STRONG QUICK HOME 2.0: 8 weeks, 4 workouts per week
FIT & STRONG BUSY: 8 weeks, 3 workouts per week.
FIT & STRONG BUSY 2.0: 8 weeks, 3 workouts per week.
FIT & STRONG BUSY HOME: 8 weeks, 3 workouts per week.
FIT & STRONG BUSY HOME 2.0: 8 weeks, 3 workouts per week.
Location: Gym & Home
Home requires bands and dumbbells (or dumbbell substitution)
Focus: Increase strength, build muscle and tighten up
Level: Moderate
FIT & STRONG is all about building strength, muscle volume and tightening your body at the same time. The program is based on a mix of high and low reps together with super sets, circles and PLYO workouts.
Cardio is included at the end of some workouts + the PLYO sessions.
Sculpt n' Stretch series
Sculpt n' Stretch: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
Sculpt n' Stretch 2.0: 8 weeks, 5-6 workouts per week (train 3 days, rest 1 and repeat)
Sculpt n' Stretch home: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
Sculpt n' Stretch home 2.0: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
Sculpt n' Stretch busy: 8 weeks, 3 workouts per week
Location: Gym or home
Focus: Strengthen yourself from the inside out. Build a stronger core and shape your body.
Level: All levels
The Pilates programs are created by Jennifer Pettersson. The focus during the programs is on finding muscle engagement and working slowly and controlled with help of Time Under Tension (TUT) sets. The programs combines strength training and pilates.
Glute Builder series
Glute Builder: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
Glute Builder 2.0: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
Glute Builder busy: 8 weeks, 3 workouts per week
Glute Builder busy 2.0: 8 weeks, 3 workouts per week
Location: Gym
Focus: Build muscles (extra focus on the glutes), get stronger and tone the body
Level: Moderate/advanced
Glute Builder is created by Linnea Kungsman and is a workout program with a focus on building muscles, getting stronger, and tone the body. The program is specifically tailored to give extra attention to the glutes/legs to maximize results and muscle growth. Within the program, you will find two different phases with various set types, minor adjustments, and challenges along the way. Cardio sessions along the program (low-intensity and high-intensity).
Sculpt n' Sweat
Sculpt n' Sweat: 8 weeks, 5-6 workouts per week
Location: Gym
Focus: Build a stronger core and sculpt your body.
Level: Medium/Advanced
Sculpt n' Sweat combines intense workouts at the gym with pilates. The gym sessions will challenge you with each session ending with a cardio challenge. As will the pilates sessions as they are built on intervals. Get to know your body and challenge yourself in a new way! Sculpt your body from the inside out!
Pilates Power
Pilates Power: 8 weeks, up to 5 workouts per week
Location: Home
Focus: Get stronger and more flexible, from the inside and out. Build a strong core and get to know your body.
Level: All levels
Pilates Power will strengthen your whole body from within without any equipment. The program combines classical mat work pilates with intervals to give you an extra challenge.
Power Boost series
POWER BOOST: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
POWER BOOST HOME: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
POWER BOOST QUICK: 8 weeks, 4 workouts per week
POWER BOOST QUICK HOME: 8 weeks, 4 workouts per week
POWER BOOST BUSY: 8 weeks, 3 workouts per week.
POWER BOOST BUSY HOME: 8 weeks, 3 workouts per week.
The program is also available in two subsequent versions: 2.0 and 3.0.
Location: Gym & Home
Home requires bands and dumbbells (or dumbbell substitution)
Focus: Increase strength, build muscle and tighten up
Level: Moderate
Power Boost is all about building strength, muscle volume and tightening your body at the same time. The program is based on a mix of high and low reps together with super sets, circles and HIIT workouts.
Cardio is included at the end of some workouts + the HIIT sessions.
Sculpt Her
8 weeks long
4-5 sessions/week
Location: Gym
Level: Moderate / Advanced
Focus: Tone your body / Get fitter / Build glutes
Cardio: Low’ and high impact cardio training.
Sessions: Strength sessions aimed at training the entire body with an extra emphasis on legs and glutes. Cardiovascular training to burn fat, increase speed, and enhance endurance.
Workout split: The split varies from week to week.
SCULPT HER is the program for those who strive for a strong and agile body with increased confidence. By combining effective strength training with cardiovascular exercises, you will sculpt your body, strengthen your heart, and enhance your athletic performance. The strength component of the program is designed with a targeted focus on shaping the glutes and legs, as well as all the muscles throughout the body. Become faster on the track, stronger in the gym, and more confident in life. Sculpt her - the superwoman within you!
Tone & Transform series
Tone & Transform: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
Tone & Transform home: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
Tone & Transform quick : 8 weeks, 4 workouts per week
Tone & Transform quick home: 8 weeks, 4 workouts per week
Tone & Transform is the perfect program if you're looking to tone up and build muscle without any classical compound movements. The workouts are intense and will challenge your muscles in every workout.
8 weeks long
4 or 5 sessions/week
Location: Gym or home
Level: Moderate/Advanced
Focus: Tone & Build Muscle
Cardio: LISS cardio (included only in gym guides)
Sessions: Focus on mind-muscle connection to optimize the effectiveness of your training and push yourself beyond your comfort zone. The exercises will be executed in certain tempos and new ways of completing them. The majority of the sessions include LISS cardio in order to help your body tone up.
Workout split: Depends on the program, 5 days/week = Legs, shoulders, Chest arms & Abs, rest day, Glutes, Back & Rear delts
4 days/week = Legs, shoulders & glutes, Chest arms & Abs, rest day, Back & Rear delts
(Will be some minor changes through out the program)
Lift & Run
Lift & Run: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
Lift & Run quick : 8 weeks, 4 workouts per week
Lift & Run Busy: 8 weeks, 3 workouts per week
Lift and run is perfect for you who want to get stronger, build muscle, and improve their running at the same time.
8 weeks long
3, 4 or 5 sessions/week
Location: Gym
Level: Moderate/Advanced
Focus: Get stronger, build muscles, and improve running.
Cardio: Distance running and intervals.
Sessions: Effective workouts with timed rest. A mix of max reps, drop sets, circuit sets, and pyramid sets.
Workout split:
5 days/week = 2 leg days, 2 upper body days, 1 running and core day.

Build muscles
8 weeks, 5-6 workouts per week
Location: Gym
Focus: Building an x-shape physique, narrow waist, peachy glutes and a V-shaped back.
Level: Moderate
The program is built on high reps, challenging weight increases and a mix of super sets and giant sets. High intense cardio is included in the program.
8 weeks, 5-6 workouts per week
Location: Gym
Focus: Building an x-shape physique, narrow waist, peachy glutes and a V-shaped back.
Level: Moderate/advanced
This is a follow-up to the program FIRST EDITION. f you haven't followed the first version, we recommend that you start with that one, to keep up with what Anna will go through during this guide.
The program is built on a mix of high and low reps with some pyramid sets included to give you a real challenge. Cardio intervals are included in the program.
LEGSMASHER: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
LEGSMASHER HOME: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
Location: Gym & Home
Home requires dumbbells (or substitute)
Focus: Building lower body
Level: Moderate
Legsmasher is a program focused on building legs and maximizing your muscular growth of your quads, hamstrings and glutes. The program includes upper body sessions as well. No cardio in the program.
BOOTY EDITION: 8 weeks, 5-6 workouts per week
BOOTY EDITION HOME: 8 weeks, 5-6 workouts per week
Location: Gym & Home
Home requires dumbbells (or substitute) and mini bands
Focus: Booty building
Level: Beginner/Moderate
Booty edition is a program focused on booty building. The program is designed to help finding mind muscle connection with your glutes in order to reach optimal muscular development. Your whole body will be trained during the program.
8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
Location: Gym
Focus: Booty building
Level: Beginner/Moderate
Booty Queen is a program focused on booty gains. Perfect as a follow up after completing Booty Edition or if you experience you already possess a good mind muscle connection with your glutes muscles.
During the program you will be working your whole body. No cardio is included in the program.
THICK & STRONG: 8 weeks, 6 workouts per week
THICK & STRONG 2.0: 8 weeks, 5-6 workouts per week
Location: Gym
Focus: Increase strength & build muscle volume
Level: Advanced
The programs are tough and focused on compound movements. Based on a mix between high and low reps. No cardio included.
SEXY BACK series
SEXY BACK: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
SEXY BACK HOME: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
Location: Gym & Home
Home requires dumbbells (or substitute) and bands
Focus: Building back
Level: Beginner/Moderate
Sexy back is a program focused on building a stronger, v-shaped back. The program is designed to maximize back development which include your: scapulas, trapezius, lats and lower back. You'll train your whole body but keep the focus at your back gains. No cardio included in the guide.
TOTAL TRANSFORMATION: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
TOTAL TRANSFORMATION 2.0: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
TOTAL TRANSFORMATION HOME: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
TOTAL TRANSFORMATION HOME 2.0: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
TOTAL TRANSFORMATION QUICK: 8 weeks, 4 workouts per week. Upper body/Lower body split.
Location: Gym & Home
Home requires bands and dumbbells (or dumbbell substitution)
Focus: Increase strength, build muscle and tighten up
Level: Moderate/advanced
Total transformation is all about building strength, muscle volume and tightening your body at the same time. The program is based on a mix of high and low reps together with super sets and circles.
Cardio is included at the end of some workouts.
FLEX series
Let's Flex: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
Let's Flex 2.0: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
WOD n' Flex: 8 weeks, 5-6 workouts per week
Location: Gym
Focus: Build muscle & get leaner
Level: Moderate/Advanced
A series of challenging guides created by Amanda Dresh. The guide is created with the intention of building muscles and burn fat. The sessions focus on progressive overload, where you will be encouraged to do more reps, lift heavier, and recover faster. The repetitions have a specific tempo to challenge you optimally during the sessions!
FIT & STRONG series
FIT & STRONG: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
FIT & STRONG 2.0: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
FIT & STRONG HOME: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
FIT & STRONG HOME 2.0: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
FIT & STRONG QUICK: 8 weeks, 4 workouts per week
FIT & STRONG QUICK 2.0: 8 weeks, 4 workouts per week
FIT & STRONG QUICK HOME: 8 weeks, 4 workouts per week
FIT & STRONG QUICK HOME 2.0: 8 weeks, 4 workouts per week
FIT & STRONG BUSY: 8 weeks, 3 workouts per week.
FIT & STRONG BUSY 2.0: 8 weeks, 3 workouts per week.
FIT & STRONG BUSY HOME: 8 weeks, 3 workouts per week.
FIT & STRONG BUSY HOME 2.0: 8 weeks, 3 workouts per week.
Location: Gym & Home
Home requires bands and dumbbells (or dumbbell substitution)
Focus: Increase strength, build muscle and tighten up
Level: Moderate
FIT & STRONG is all about building strength, muscle volume and tightening your body at the same time. The program is based on a mix of high and low reps together with super sets, circles and PLYO workouts.
Cardio is included at the end of some workouts + the PLYO sessions.
Glute Builder series
Glute Builder: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
Glute Builder 2.0: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
Glute Builder busy: 8 weeks, 3 workouts per week
Glute Builder busy 2.0: 8 weeks, 3 workouts per week
Location: Gym
Focus: Build muscles (extra focus on the glutes), get stronger and tone the body
Level: Moderate/advanced
Glute Builder is created by Linnea Kungsman and is a workout program with a focus on building muscles, getting stronger, and tone the body. The program is specifically tailored to give extra attention to the glutes/legs to maximize results and muscle growth. Within the program, you will find two different phases with various set types, minor adjustments, and challenges along the way. Cardio sessions along the program (low-intensity and high-intensity).
Let's Get Hybrid series
Let's Get Hybrid: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
Let's Get Hybrid: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
Let's Get Hybrid: 8 weeks, 3 workouts per week
Location: Gym + outdoors
Focus: Strength, endurance, conditioning
Level: Moderate/advanced
"Let's get hybrid" is created by Emilia Bäckman. This program is for those who want to challenge themselves, perhaps feeling tired of just weight training and now seeking to vary their workouts and set new goals. If you follow the program from start to finish, you will also be ready to run your first marathon! With the help of "#Let’s get hybrid," you will improve your endurance and become a more resilient runner while maintaining (and hopefully even building) as much muscle as possible!

Let's Get Hybrid series
Let's Get Hybrid: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
Let's Get Hybrid: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
Let's Get Hybrid: 8 weeks, 3 workouts per week
Location: Gym + outdoors
Focus: Strength, endurance, conditioning
Level: Moderate/advanced
"Let's get hybrid" is created by Emilia Bäckman. This program is for those who want to challenge themselves, perhaps feeling tired of just weight training and now seeking to vary their workouts and set new goals. If you follow the program from start to finish, you will also be ready to run your first marathon! With the help of "#Let’s get hybrid," you will improve your endurance and become a more resilient runner while maintaining (and hopefully even building) as much muscle as possible!
FIT N' FAST series
FIT N' FAST: 8 weeks, 4 sessions per week, Divided into 2 running sessions and 1 upper body session & 1 lower body session.
FIT N' FAST HOME: 8 weeks, 4 sessions per week, Divided into 2 running sessions and 1 upper body session & 1 lower body session.
FIT N' FAST 2.0: 8 weeks, 5 sessions per week, Divided into 2 running sessions, 1 upper body session, 1 lower body session & one WOD.
FIT N' FAST HOME 2.0: 8 weeks, 5 sessions per week, Divided into 2 running sessions, 1 upper body session, 1 lower body session & one WOD.
Location: Gym or home
Requires dumbbells (or substitute)
Focus: Running, strength and mobility.
Level: All levels
Fit n' fast is an excellent choice for individuals who are looking to begin or enhance their running while simultaneously enhancing their strength and mobility. We provide two program options - one for home-based training and another for gym-based training, so that you can select the one that is most convenient for you. By incorporating running, strength training, and mobility exercises, you will observe a significant enhancement in your overall fitness, strength, and flexibility within just 8 weeks. Our program is designed to be straightforward to follow and can be customized to your specific fitness level and objectives.
Power Boost series
POWER BOOST: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
POWER BOOST HOME: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
POWER BOOST QUICK: 8 weeks, 4 workouts per week
POWER BOOST QUICK HOME: 8 weeks, 4 workouts per week
POWER BOOST BUSY: 8 weeks, 3 workouts per week.
POWER BOOST BUSY HOME: 8 weeks, 3 workouts per week.
The program is also available in two subsequent versions: 2.0 and 3.0.
Location: Gym & Home
Home requires bands and dumbbells (or dumbbell substitution)
Focus: Increase strength, build muscle and tighten up
Level: Moderate
Power Boost is all about building strength, muscle volume and tightening your body at the same time. The program is based on a mix of high and low reps together with super sets, circles and HIIT workouts.
Cardio is included at the end of some workouts + the HIIT sessions.
Get stronger, faster, and more functional with our intensive 12-week training program. Whether you want to improve your strength, endurance, and running abilities, or even compete in a HYROX event, this program will help you achieve your goals and elevate your training to the next level!
12 weeks long
4 sessions/week
Location: Gym
Level: Medium/Advanced
Focus: Get stronger, faster, and more functional
Cardio: At least 3 out of 4 sessions per week are designed to elevate your heart rate.
Sessions: A mix of various strength exercises, jumps, speed, and explosive exercises.
Workout split:
- Hyrox training with exercises to practice the specific competition moments.
- Strength sessions for upper body and legs to build muscle strength.
- Running sessions including distance running, threshold training, and tempo runs to enhance endurance.
- Physical conditioning sessions to increase your lactate tolerance and improve your explosive power.
Lift & Run series
Lift & Run: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
Lift & Run quick : 8 weeks, 4 workouts per week
Lift & Run Busy: 8 weeks, 3 workouts per week
Lift and run is perfect for you who want to get stronger, build muscle, and improve their running at the same time.
8 weeks long
3, 4 or 5 sessions/week
Location: Gym
Level: Moderate/Advanced
Focus: Get stronger, build muscles, and improve running.
Cardio: Distance running and intervals.
Sessions: Effective workouts with timed rest. A mix of max reps, drop sets, circuit sets, and pyramid sets.
Workout split:
5 days/week = 2 leg days, 2 upper body days, 1 running and core day.
Run To Rise series
Run To Rise Phase 1: 10 weeks, 5-6 workouts per week
Run To Rise Phase 2: 10 weeks, 5-6 workouts per week
Run To Rise Phase 3: 8 weeks, 4-6 workouts per week
Run To Rise is perfect for you who want to increase your running distance, build strength, and improve your overall fitness through a combination of running and gym training.
28 weeks long
5-6 sessions/week
Location: Gym/outdoor
Level: Beginner/Moderate
Cardio: 3 cardio sessions/week (2 low-intensity and 1 high-intensity)
- Building endurance and strength
- Improving running technique and preventing injuries
- Strengthening muscles and joints to avoid injuries
- Running Training: The running sessions include easy runs, threshold runs, intervals, tempo runs, and long-distance runs that gradually increase in intensity and distance.
- Strength Training: The gym sessions focus on the upper body and legs, with extra attention to knees, joints, and core strength. Exercises include mobility, prehab, and functional strength training to complement running and prepare the body to handle increased loads.
Workout split:
- Gym - Upper Body
- Running - Easy Run
- Rest or Active Recovery
- Running - Tempo/Threshold
- Gym - Legs & Core
- Running - Long Distance
- Prehab + Rest or Active Recovery

Get more athletic
ATHLETIC & FIT: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
ATHLETIC & FIT 2.0: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
Location: Gym
Focus: Functional moves/High intensity
Level: Moderate/Advanced
This is a program with focus on becoming more athletic, enhancing body control and getting more fit at the same time. Primary goal will be on functional moves such as push ups, pull ups and burpees.
Fit Fusion series
FIT FUSION: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
FIT FUSION 2.0: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
FIT FUSION busy: 8 weeks, 3 workouts per week
Location: Gym
Focus: Build muscle, increase strength, and improve fitness
Level: Moderate/Advanced
Fit Fusion is created by Johanna Wisten and is a training program aimed at building leg strength, improving fitness, and enhancing core control.
Despite the guides various objectives, the workouts are designed to maximize efficiency through circuit and superset exercises, where you engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously, and there's limited rest time for all exercises!
Power Boost series
POWER BOOST: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
POWER BOOST HOME: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
POWER BOOST QUICK: 8 weeks, 4 workouts per week
POWER BOOST QUICK HOME: 8 weeks, 4 workouts per week
POWER BOOST BUSY: 8 weeks, 3 workouts per week.
POWER BOOST BUSY HOME: 8 weeks, 3 workouts per week.
The program is also available in two subsequent versions: 2.0 and 3.0.
Location: Gym & Home
Home requires bands and dumbbells (or dumbbell substitution)
Focus: Increase strength, build muscle and tighten up
Level: Moderate
Power Boost is all about building strength, muscle volume and tightening your body at the same time. The program is based on a mix of high and low reps together with super sets, circles and HIIT workouts.
Cardio is included at the end of some workouts + the HIIT sessions.
Fast & explosive
FAST & EXPLOSIVE: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week.
FAST & EXPLOSIVE BUSY:8 weeks, 3 workouts per week.
Plats: Gym
Fokus: Funktionella övningar/Hög intensitet
Nivå: Medium/Avancerad
Fast & Explosive is a guide designed to develop you in your sport, making you faster and more explosive.
Let's Get Hybrid series
Let's Get Hybrid: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
Let's Get Hybrid: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
Let's Get Hybrid: 8 weeks, 3 workouts per week
Location: Gym + outdoors
Focus: Strength, endurance, conditioning
Level: Moderate/advanced
"Let's get hybrid" is created by Emilia Bäckman. This program is for those who want to challenge themselves, perhaps feeling tired of just weight training and now seeking to vary their workouts and set new goals. If you follow the program from start to finish, you will also be ready to run your first marathon! With the help of "#Let’s get hybrid," you will improve your endurance and become a more resilient runner while maintaining (and hopefully even building) as much muscle as possible!
Get stronger, faster, and more functional with our intensive 12-week training program. Whether you want to improve your strength, endurance, and running abilities, or even compete in a HYROX event, this program will help you achieve your goals and elevate your training to the next level!
12 weeks long
4 sessions/week
Location: Gym
Level: Medium/Advanced
Focus: Get stronger, faster, and more functional
Cardio: At least 3 out of 4 sessions per week are designed to elevate your heart rate.
Sessions: A mix of various strength exercises, jumps, speed, and explosive exercises.
Workout split:
- Hyrox training with exercises to practice the specific competition moments.
- Strength sessions for upper body and legs to build muscle strength.
- Running sessions including distance running, threshold training, and tempo runs to enhance endurance.
- Physical conditioning sessions to increase your lactate tolerance and improve your explosive power.
Run To Rise series
Run To Rise Phase 1: 10 weeks, 5-6 workouts per week
Run To Rise Phase 2: 10 weeks, 5-6 workouts per week
Run To Rise Phase 3: 8 weeks, 4-6 workouts per week
Run To Rise is perfect for you who want to increase your running distance, build strength, and improve your overall fitness through a combination of running and gym training.
28 weeks long
5-6 sessions/week
Location: Gym/outdoor
Level: Beginner/Moderate
Cardio: 3 cardio sessions/week (2 low-intensity and 1 high-intensity)
- Building endurance and strength
- Improving running technique and preventing injuries
- Strengthening muscles and joints to avoid injuries
- Running Training: The running sessions include easy runs, threshold runs, intervals, tempo runs, and long-distance runs that gradually increase in intensity and distance.
- Strength Training: The gym sessions focus on the upper body and legs, with extra attention to knees, joints, and core strength. Exercises include mobility, prehab, and functional strength training to complement running and prepare the body to handle increased loads.
Workout split:
- Gym - Upper Body
- Running - Easy Run
- Rest or Active Recovery
- Running - Tempo/Threshold
- Gym - Legs & Core
- Running - Long Distance
- Prehab + Rest or Active Recovery

FIT N' FAST series
FIT N' FAST: 8 weeks, 4 sessions per week, Divided into 2 running sessions and 1 upper body session & 1 lower body session.
FIT N' FAST HOME: 8 weeks, 4 sessions per week, Divided into 2 running sessions and 1 upper body session & 1 lower body session.
FIT N' FAST 2.0: 8 weeks, 5 sessions per week, Divided into 2 running sessions, 1 upper body session, 1 lower body session & one WOD.
FIT N' FAST HOME 2.0: 8 weeks, 5 sessions per week, Divided into 2 running sessions, 1 upper body session, 1 lower body session & one WOD.
Location: Gym or home
Requires dumbbells (or substitute)
Focus: Running, strength and mobility.
Level: All levels
Fit n' fast is an excellent choice for individuals who are looking to begin or enhance their running while simultaneously enhancing their strength and mobility. We provide two program options - one for home-based training and another for gym-based training, so that you can select the one that is most convenient for you. By incorporating running, strength training, and mobility exercises, you will observe a significant enhancement in your overall fitness, strength, and flexibility within just 8 weeks. Our program is designed to be straightforward to follow and can be customized to your specific fitness level and objectives.
First pace: 18 sessions, we recommend doing 2-3 per week.
Location: Gym or home
Focus: Running
Level: Beginner
FirstPace will help you get started with running and gradually build your endurance. The duration of the program will vary depending on the number of sessions you choose to do each week.
The program focuses exclusively on running and is tailored for beginners who aim to comfortably run a 5 km distance at a relaxed pace. The sessions will gradually increase in intensity and duration to help you progress towards your goal.
Feel free to combine this running program with an optional strength training routine to further enhance your overall fitness.
Let's Get Hybrid series
Let's Get Hybrid: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
Let's Get Hybrid: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
Let's Get Hybrid: 8 weeks, 3 workouts per week
Location: Gym + outdoors
Focus: Strength, endurance, conditioning
Level: Moderate/advanced
"Let's get hybrid" is created by Emilia Bäckman. This program is for those who want to challenge themselves, perhaps feeling tired of just weight training and now seeking to vary their workouts and set new goals. If you follow the program from start to finish, you will also be ready to run your first marathon! With the help of "#Let’s get hybrid," you will improve your endurance and become a more resilient runner while maintaining (and hopefully even building) as much muscle as possible!
Run To Rise series
Run To Rise Phase 1: 10 weeks, 5-6 workouts per week
Run To Rise Phase 2: 10 weeks, 5-6 workouts per week
Run To Rise Phase 3: 8 weeks, 4-6 workouts per week
Run To Rise is perfect for you who want to increase your running distance, build strength, and improve your overall fitness through a combination of running and gym training.
28 weeks long
5-6 sessions/week
Location: Gym/outdoor
Level: Beginner/Moderate
Cardio: 3 cardio sessions/week (2 low-intensity and 1 high-intensity)
- Building endurance and strength
- Improving running technique and preventing injuries
- Strengthening muscles and joints to avoid injuries
- Running Training: The running sessions include easy runs, threshold runs, intervals, tempo runs, and long-distance runs that gradually increase in intensity and distance.
- Strength Training: The gym sessions focus on the upper body and legs, with extra attention to knees, joints, and core strength. Exercises include mobility, prehab, and functional strength training to complement running and prepare the body to handle increased loads.
Workout split:
- Gym - Upper Body
- Running - Easy Run
- Rest or Active Recovery
- Running - Tempo/Threshold
- Gym - Legs & Core
- Running - Long Distance
- Prehab + Rest or Active Recovery

Build legs & glutes
BOOTY EDITION: 8 weeks, 5-6 workouts per week
BOOTY EDITION HOME: 8 weeks, 5-6 workouts per week
Location: Gym & Home
Home requires dumbbells (or substitute) and mini bands
Focus: Booty building
Level: Beginner/Moderate
Booty edition is a program focused on booty building. The program is designed to help finding mind muscle connection with your glutes in order to reach optimal muscular development. Your whole body will be trained during the program.
8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
Location: Gym
Focus: Booty building
Level: Beginner/Moderate
Booty Queen is a program focused on booty gains. Perfect as a follow up after completing Booty Edition or if you experience you already possess a good mind muscle connection with your glutes muscles.
During the program you will be working your whole body. No cardio is included in the program.
LEGSMASHER: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
LEGSMASHER HOME: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
Location: Gym & Home
Home requires dumbbells (or substitute)
Focus: Building lower body
Level: Moderate
Legsmasher is a program focused on building legs and maximizing your muscular growth of your quads, hamstrings and glutes. The program includes upper body sessions as well. No cardio in the program.
Glute Builder series
Glute Builder: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
Glute Builder 2.0: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
Glute Builder busy: 8 weeks, 3 workouts per week
Glute Builder busy 2.0: 8 weeks, 3 workouts per week
Location: Gym
Focus: Build muscles (extra focus on the glutes), get stronger and tone the body
Level: Moderate/advanced
Glute Builder is created by Linnea Kungsman and is a workout program with a focus on building muscles, getting stronger, and tone the body. The program is specifically tailored to give extra attention to the glutes/legs to maximize results and muscle growth. Within the program, you will find two different phases with various set types, minor adjustments, and challenges along the way. Cardio sessions along the program (low-intensity and high-intensity).
Sculpt Her
8 weeks long
4-5 sessions/week
Location: Gym
Level: Moderate / Advanced
Focus: Tone your body / Get fitter / Build glutes
Cardio: Low’ and high impact cardio training.
Sessions: Strength sessions aimed at training the entire body with an extra emphasis on legs and glutes. Cardiovascular training to burn fat, increase speed, and enhance endurance.
Workout split: The split varies from week to week.
SCULPT HER is the program for those who strive for a strong and agile body with increased confidence. By combining effective strength training with cardiovascular exercises, you will sculpt your body, strengthen your heart, and enhance your athletic performance. The strength component of the program is designed with a targeted focus on shaping the glutes and legs, as well as all the muscles throughout the body. Become faster on the track, stronger in the gym, and more confident in life. Sculpt her - the superwoman within you!

Build upper body
SEXY BACK series
SEXY BACK: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
SEXY BACK HOME: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
Location: Gym & Home
Home requires dumbbells (or substitute) and bands
Focus: Building upper body
Level: Beginner/Moderate
Sexy back is a program focused on building a stronger, v-shaped back. The program is designed to maximize back development which include your: scapulas, trapezius, lats and lower back. You'll train your whole body but keep the focus at your back gains. No cardio included in the guide.
FIT EDITION UPPER BODY: 8 weeks, 5-6 workouts per week
Location: Gym
Focus: Fat burn
Level: Moderate/Advanced
Fit edition upper body is a guide with focus on upper body and tightening your body and maximizing fat burn. The guide is based on a mix between compound movements, circles and plyo exercises. Rest time will also be important during this guide in order to keep your workouts effective. High intense cardio intervals are included (not in the home guides or ultra quick guide).

Train at home
20 sessions, 3-5 workouts per week
Home equipment, dumbbells (or substitute)
Focus: Effective workouts
Level: Beginner/Moderate
Vacay home is the perfect guide if you want to keep up your training and still get amazing results during your vacation without spending hours at the gym. The program is based on effective workouts.
In this program the only thing you need is dumbbells or something you can use instead of dumbbells, for example 2 bottles of water.
8 weeks, 4 workouts per week
Requires dumbbells (or substitute)
Focus: Building an x-shape
Level: Beginner/Moderate
Home is the guide suitable to choose when you want to workout completely at home. Focus on building more of a x-shape and divided into an upper- lower body split.
In this program the only thing you need is dumbbells or something you can use instead of dumbbells, for example 2 bottles of water.
8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
Requires dumbbells (or substitute) and mini bands
Focus: Building a sassy upper body
Level: Beginner/Moderate
Sexy back home edition is a guide focused on building a strong v-shaped back at home! The program is designed to maximize your back development such as your scapulas, trapezius, lats and lower back.
8 weeks, 5-6 workouts per week
Requires dumbbells (or substitute) and mini bands
Focus: Booty building
Level: Beginner/Moderate
Booty Edition Home is one of the guides from the home series and has a primary focus on booty building at home. The program is designed to help finding mind muscle connection with your glutes in order to reach optimal muscular development. Your whole body will be trained during the program.
8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
Requires dumbbells (or substitute) and mini bands
Focus: Building legs
Level: Moderate
The Legsmasher - home edition is a program you can do from home. All you need is a pair of dumbbells (or 2 water bottles ex) and a miniband. The program focus on building legs and maximizing your muscular growth of your quads, hamstrings and glutes. The program includes upper body sessions as well.
FIT EDITION HOME: 8 weeks, 6 workouts per week
FIT EDITION HOME 2.0: 8 weeks, 6 workouts per week
Requires dumbbells (or substitute) and mini bands
Focus: Tighten up
Level: Moderate
The program is based on a mix between functional exercises, plyo and circles. Rest time will be clocked and are important during the program in order to stay effective. Focus of the program will be tightening your body and maximizing fat burn.
TOTAL TRANSFORMATION HOME: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
TOTAL TRANSFORMATION HOME 2.0: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
Requires dumbbells (or substitute) and mini bands
Focus: Body recomposition
Level: Beginner/Moderate/Advanced
Total Transformation home is a guide designed to increase in strength, build muscles and tighten your body at the same time - all done at home! The program is based on a mix between high reps, super sets and circles.
FIT N' FAST HOME: 8 weeks, 4 sessions per week, Divided into 2 running sessions and 1 upper body session & 1 lower body session.
FIT N' FAST HOME 2.0: 8 weeks, 5 sessions per week, Divided into 2 running sessions, 1 upper body session, 1 lower body session and 1 WOD.
Location: Gym or home
Requires dumbbells (or substitute)
Focus: Running, strength and mobility.
Level: Beginner/Medium
Fit n' fast is an excellent choice for individuals who are looking to begin their running journey while simultaneously enhancing their strength and mobility. We provide two program options - one for home-based training and another for gym-based training, so that you can select the one that is most convenient for you. By incorporating running, strength training, and mobility exercises, you will observe a significant enhancement in your overall fitness, strength, and flexibility within just 8 weeks. Our program is designed to be straightforward to follow and can be customized to your specific fitness level and objectives.
FIT & STRONG series
FIT & STRONG HOME: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
FIT & STRONG HOME 2.0: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
FIT & STRONG QUICK HOME: 8 weeks, 4 workouts per week
FIT & STRONG QUICK HOME 2.0: 8 weeks, 4 workouts per week
FIT & STRONG BUSY HOME: 8 weeks, 3 workouts per week.
FIT & STRONG BUSY HOME 2.0: 8 weeks, 3 workouts per week.
Location: Home
Home requires bands and dumbbells (or dumbbell substitution)
Focus: Increase strength, build muscle and tighten up
Level: Moderate
FIT & STRONG is all about building strength, muscle volume and tightening your body at the same time. The program is based on a mix of high and low reps together with super sets, circles and PLYO workouts.
Cardio is included at the end of some workouts + the PLYO sessions.
Pilates Power
Pilates Power: 8 weeks, up to 5 workouts per week
Location: Home
Focus: Get stronger and more flexible, from the inside and out. Build a strong core and get to know your body.
Level: All levels
Pilates Power will strengthen your whole body from within without any equipment. The program combines classical mat work pilates with intervals to give you an extra challenge.
Sculpt n' Stretch home
Sculpt n' Stretch home: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
Sculpt n' Stretch home 2.0: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
Location: Home
Focus: Strengthen yourself from the inside out. Build a stronger core and shape your body.
Level: All levels
The Pilates programs are created by Jennifer Pettersson. The focus during the programs is on finding muscle engagement and working slowly and controlled with help of Time Under Tension (TUT) sets. The programs combines strength training and pilates.
Tone & Transform series
Tone & Transform home: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
Tone & Transform quick home: 8 weeks, 4 workouts per week
Tone & Transform is the perfect program if you're looking to tone up and build muscle without any classical compound movements. The workouts are intense and will challenge your muscles in every workout.
8 weeks long
4 or 5 sessions/week
Location: Home
Level: Moderate/Advanced
Focus: Tone & Build Muscle
Cardio: No cardio included
Sessions: Focus on mind-muscle connection to optimize the effectiveness of your training and push yourself beyond your comfort zone. The exercises will be executed in certain tempos and new ways of completing them. The majority of the sessions include LISS cardio in order to help your body tone up.
Workout split: Depends on the program, 5 days/week = Legs, shoulders, Chest arms & Abs, rest day, Glutes, Back & Rear delts
4 days/week = Legs, shoulders & glutes, Chest arms & Abs, rest day, Back & Rear delts
(Will be some minor changes through out the program)

Workout during/after pregnancy
PREGNANT LIGHT: 32 sessions, divided into an upper body/lower body split. We recommend 1-5 sessions per week.
PREGNANT MEDIUM: 32 sessions, divided into an upper body/lower body split. We recommend 1-5 sessions per week.
PREGNANT EXPERIENCED:32 sessions, divided into an upper body/lower body split. We recommend 1-5 sessions per week.
Location: Gym & Home
Equiment: Gym or home equipment (dumbbells and mini bands)
Focus: Staying active while pregnant
Level: Beginner/Moderate/Advanced
This is program is for you who are pregnant and want to keep up with your training during pregnancy!
The guide is built in 3 parts, adapted to different conditions and experiences. You can either start with part 1 and continue with 2 and 3 or you can choose one/two of them. Regardless of which of the three different parts you start with, we recommend you to read the information for all 3 parts before you start the program (all info is in the training advice tab under each program) Start by reading the information under part 1 and then move on to part 2 and 3.
We recommend 1-5 session per week.
POST PREGNANCY LIGHT: 8 weeks, 5-6 workouts per week. Can be done from home using dumbbells (or substitute) and mini bands.
POST PREGNANCY: 8 weeks, 5-6 workouts per week.
Location: Gym & Home
Focus: Gaining strength post partum
Level: Beginner/Moderate/Advanced
This guide is designed for post pregnancy training. To recover in the best possible way you need to train smart and focus on the things that are important after pregnancy, the core and pelvic floor muscles.
If you are consistence with your workouts after pregnancy, you will see that the recover will go faster and your body will thank you later.
Remember - this is not a time for heavy weights or trying to do personal records. This is time for rehab, to give your body strength back!
Bump & Balance Series
Bump & Balance trimester 1: 36 workouts, up to 3 workouts per week.
Bump & Balance trimester 2: 42 workouts, up to 3 workouts per week.
Bump & Balance trimester 3: 30 workouts, 1-3 workouts per week.
Location: Wherever
Focus: Moving your body through pregnancy with pilates
Level: Beginner/Moderate/Advanced
Gentle and consistent Pilates-inspired training designed to maintain strength, stability, and flexibility during pregnancy.
No cardio included and full focus on moving your body and finding new energy while staying active. We will focus a lot on inner core, posture and controlled movements.

Get started/Short on time
VACAY series
VACAY GYM: 20 sessions, 3-5 workouts per week. Upper body & lower body split.
VACAY HOME: 20 sessions, 3-5 workouts per week.Upper body & lower body split.
Location: Gym & home
Home edition requires dumbbells (or substitute) and mini bands
Focus: Staying active
Level: Beginner/Moderate
Vacay is the guide for you who want to keep up with your workouts during your vacation without spending tons of time in the gym. The workouts in the program will be time effective. Add rest days as you like in order to make the guide suit you the best.
BEGINNER LIGHT: 32 sessions, 3-5 workouts per week
BEGINNER LIGHT machines: 32 workout sessions, 3-5 sessions per week. A program for those who are beginners and prefer to train solely using machines.
BEGINNER: 32 sessions, 3-5 workouts per week
Location: Gym
Both of the guides can be done from home, using dumbbells (or substitute) and mini bands
Focus: Get started, learn technique
Level: Beginner
This is a simplified version of Anna Stålnacke’s program FIRST EDITION. For you who are a beginner but feel ready to take on Anna’s training.
24 sessions
Location: Gym
Focus: Full body workouts/ Build muscle
Level: Moderate
This is a program for you who want to increase strength and build more muscles while working out 1-3 times per week. The program is based on full body workouts. There's no planned rest days in this guide, add in days to make the guide suitable for your own personal schedule.
24 sessions
Location: Gym
Focus: Full body workouts/Tone
Level: Moderate
This is a program for you who want to shape and tone your body while working out 2-3 times per week. Guide is based on 24 sessions, ad rest days as you'd like to make it suit you.
FIT EDITION ULTRA QUICK: 8 weeks, 3 full body sessions á 20 minutes per week
Location: Gym
Focus: Fat burn
Level: Moderate
Fit edition ultra quick is a guide with focus on tightening your body and maximizing fat burn. The guide is based on a mix between compound movements, circles and plyo exercises. Rest time will also be important during this guide in order to keep your workouts effective.
FIT & STRONG series
FIT & STRONG BUSY: 8 weeks, 3 workouts per week.
FIT & STRONG BUSY 2.0: 8 weeks, 3 workouts per week.
FIT & STRONG BUSY HOME: 8 weeks, 3 workouts per week.
FIT & STRONG BUSY HOME 2.0: 8 weeks, 3 workouts per week.
Location: Gym & Home
Home requires bands and dumbbells (or dumbbell substitution)
Focus: Increase strength, build muscle and tighten up
Level: Moderate
FIT & STRONG is all about building strength, muscle volume and tightening your body at the same time. The program is based on a mix of high and low reps together with super sets, circles and PLYO workouts.
Cardio is included at the end of some workouts + the PLYO sessions.
Fit Fusion busy
FIT FUSION busy: 8 weeks, 3 workouts per week
Location: Gym
Focus: Build muscle, increase strength, and improve fitness
Level: Moderate/Advanced
Fit Fusion is created by Johanna Wisten and is a training program aimed at building leg strength, improving fitness, and enhancing core control.
Despite the guides various objectives, the workouts are designed to maximize efficiency through circuit and superset exercises, where you engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously, and there's limited rest time for all exercises!
Sculpt n' Stretch busy
Sculpt n' Stretch busy: 8 weeks, 3 workouts per week
Location: Gym
Focus: Strengthen yourself from the inside out. Build a stronger core and shape your body.
Level: All levels
The Pilates programs are created by Jennifer Pettersson. The focus during the programs is on finding muscle engagement and working slowly and controlled with help of Time Under Tension (TUT) sets. The program combines strength training and pilates.
Sculpt express
Sculpt Express: 22 sessions
Location: Gym
Focus: Strengthen yourself from the inside out. Build a stronger core and shape your body.
Level: All levels
The Pilates programs are created by Jennifer Pettersson. The focus during the programs is on finding muscle engagement and working slowly and controlled with help of Time Under Tension (TUT) sets. The program combines strength training (full body workouts) and pilates. There are no set rest days for this guide, so feel free to create your own schedule.

Sculpt n' Stretch series
Sculpt n' Stretch: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
Sculpt n' Stretch 2.0: 8 weeks, 5-6 workouts per week (train 3 days, rest 1 and repeat)
Sculpt n' Stretch home: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
Sculpt n' Stretch home 2.0: 8 weeks, 5 workouts per week
Sculpt n' Stretch busy: 8 weeks, 3 workouts per week
Location: Gym or home
Focus: Strengthen yourself from the inside out. Build a stronger core and shape your body.
Level: All levels
The Pilates programs are created by Jennifer Pettersson. The focus during the programs is on finding muscle engagement and working slowly and controlled with help of Time Under Tension (TUT) sets. The programs combines strength training and pilates.
Sculpt n' Sweat
Sculpt n' Sweat: 8 weeks, 5-6 workouts per week
Location: Gym
Focus: Build a stronger core and sculpt your body.
Level: Medium/Advanced
Sculpt n' Sweat combines intense workouts at the gym with pilates. The gym sessions will challenge you with each session ending with a cardio challenge. As will the pilates sessions as they are built on intervals. Get to know your body and challenge yourself in a new way! Sculpt your body from the inside out!
Pilates Power
Pilates Power: 8 weeks, up to 5 workouts per week
Location: Home
Focus: Get stronger and more flexible, from the inside and out. Build a strong core and get to know your body.
Level: All levels
Pilates Power will strengthen your whole body from within without any equipment. The program combines classical mat work pilates with intervals to give you an extra challenge.
Strong & Sculpted
Strong & Sculpted: 50 sessions
Location: Anywhere
Focus: Get stronger and more flexible, from the inside and out. Build a strong core and get to know your body.
Level: All levels
Get stronger, more flexible, and balanced with the Strong & Sculpted. Whether you want to improve your core strength, flexibility, or body control, this program will help you reach your goals and elevate your training. The program does not include set rest days, so rest whenever you need to!

Only Cardio
Cardio Queen
Cardio Queen is a guide that exclusively includes cardio sessions and focuses on improving cardiovascular fitness.
8 weeks long
3 sessions/week
Location: Gym
Level: Moderate
Focus: Improve fitness.
Cardio: Intervals twice a week.
Sessions: 1 session of treadmill intervals, 1 session of bike intervals, & 1 session of low-intensity cardio.
Workout split: The program is structured with running intervals one day, low-intensity cardio with running another day, and a day of cycling intervals.
Cardio Champ
Cardio Champ is a guide that exclusively includes cardio sessions and focuses on improving cardiovascular fitness.
8 weeks long
3 sessions/week
Location: Gym
Level: Moderate
Focus: Improve strength, cardiovascular fitness.
Cardio: Intervals twice a week.
Sessions: 1 session of rowing intervals, 1 session of bike intervals, & 1 session of low-intensity cardio.
Workout split: The program is structured with rowing intervals one day, low-intensity cardio with rowing/cycling another day, and a day of cycling intervals.